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Category: Family

  • 1000 Hours Outside With a Toddler in Portland (S1:E2)

    1000 Hours Outside With a Toddler in Portland (S1:E2)

    On episode 2 of my podcast, “Truly, Truly Tenay,” I delve into the healing power of spending time outdoors. I discuss the benefits of the 1000 Hour Challenge and share practical tips for enjoying the outdoors in Portland, Oregon, despite its overcast weather. From essential rain gear to fun activities like outdoor scavenger hunts and…

  • Benefits of Waiting

    Benefits of Waiting

    “It is in the waiting that you create the space you need to succeed.” Transitioning between seasons can be a tough experience. The tug-of-war between “almost there” and “not yet” can feel frustrating to even the most seasoned transitioner. Whether you’re a teenager anticipating your “launch” into young adulthood, but feeling overly constrained by…

  • Our Favorite Christmas Movies

    Our Favorite Christmas Movies

    My little girl enjoyed her third Christmas this year, and I went just a little crazy for Christmas celebrations! We enjoyed Christmas cookies, Nativity and gingerbread crafts, the Nutcracker ballet, and more. We also enjoyed some of our favorite Christmas movies, because they make my family feel good inside. Today, I’m sharing our favorites with…

  • Defining Family

    Defining Family

    Family is favored relationship. Tenaybenes.Com I recently followed my husband from Colorado to Oregon in order to be closer to his family. I felt God’s hand on it, and I asked God why we were being sent there. “I will heal your heart in its family part,” God said. Thus, I anticipated integrating into my…

  • Christmas—You’re Invited

    Christmas—You’re Invited

    After all, what is more healing than being in a happy home? Tenaybenes.Com Last night, I was on an Army Reserve call in which the command sergeant major reminded us that the holidays are genuinely stressful for lots of people. In fact, several of our Soldiers were apparently getting into trouble for harmful behaviors like…

  • You’re Invited to Our Family Christmas Party

  • In the Battle

    In the Battle

    “It’s been a long time. I shouldn’t have left you without a dope beat to step to, step to, step to…step to… (wiki-wiki-waaah)” “Try Again” by Aaliyah Silence on the Net Do you ever have those seasons in your life in which life is so overwhelming that you can’t even stop to tell anybody about…

  • That Kind of Day

    That Kind of Day

    “I’ve finally concluded that I’m a good mother… but I wonder whether I’ll ever become a great mother…” Today was that kind of day: the kind of day in which I had to tell myself, “It’s only a little bit of poo”; the kind of day in which I literally gave my daughter the…

  • Hope for the Holidays

    Hope for the Holidays

    I just saw Halloween costumes at CostCo and Thanksgiving pumpkin decor at Scheels. You know what that means? The holidays are right around the corner. I usually get excited for the holidays, but this year, the idea of the holidays coming made me sad. Soon But Not Yet I thought we would have a house…

  • The Longest Trip

    The Longest Trip

    If you’ve been following my blog at all, you may know that I have been reluctant to travel for work. My desire to stay home with my toddler comes from this core belief I developed in childhood that good mommies stay home with their kids. You may also know that God has been encouraging me…



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