Get Inspired Into Healing

Category: Health Articles

  • Nine (Perfectly Normal) Stages of a Woman’s Body

    Nine (Perfectly Normal) Stages of a Woman’s Body

    A friend of mine recently confided in me that being newly pregnant was freaking her out a little bit. She assumed she had some body image issues that were surfacing, not because she had gained any weight yet, but because she was taken aback by how significant early changes to her bodily functions were as…

  • Called to Heal

    Called to Heal

    We who follow Yeshua, the Spirit-Empowered One—sent by our Heavenly Father God—are called to heal. First, we are called to receive healing from God in our body, soul, and spirit. The Path of Healing This healing starts by choosing to believe that Yeshua’s work on the cross has power to heal us, and thus inviting…

  • 40 Benefits of Healing

    40 Benefits of Healing

    I have spent a lot of time—a LOT of time—pursuing healing* because God has promised me I would be 100% healed, inside and out. That’s why I’ve spent a lot of time meditating on what a healed person could accomplish, if only he or she was healed. Below is a list I offer for your…

  • The Chronic Illness Wave

    The Chronic Illness Wave

    I have been successfully healing from complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) for the past nine years. In 2014, I couldn’t get off the couch for more than one hour per day, but todays I live a very active and fulfilling life. However, I am still healing, and that means I still have moments where the…

  • Grounding Techniques | Healing Articles

    Grounding Techniques | Healing Articles

    Here are 32 grounding techniques to bring our body, mind+heart (soul), and spirit out of obsessive (repetitive) thoughts about the past or future, out of memories from the past we can’t get over, or out of dysregulated and “freaking out” states, into the “here and now”.

  • Self-care in Community| Community Articles

    Self-care in Community| Community Articles

    Last night, I went out with my friend’s 10 year old daughter to get our nails done. This is something we have done together for the past two years and we both look forward to it immensely. Here are three reasons why it may make your life better to do the same: 1. Being with…

  • Making a More Satisfying Meal | Health Story

    Making a More Satisfying Meal | Health Story

    I was born and raised in some sort of city or suburban town my entire life. Somewhere in my early twenties (I think), I realized that I was incredibly disconnected from the land from which my food came. I didn’t know how to grow fruits or veggies, and I didn’t know how to raise animals…

  • How to Meditate with God (with Practical Examples)

    How to Meditate with God (with Practical Examples)

    I recently led a coworker with PTSD through some visualization prayer targeting the dissociated parts of his heart due to childhood and war trauma. He experienced peace in his mind, heart, and body for the first time in a long time. When he finally opened his eyes (long after I had stopped praying), he asked…

  • My Messy Healing

    My Messy Healing

    I don’t know who needs to hear this, but healing is messy, and the mess is necessary to move from death into life. “…healing is messy, and the mess is necessary… Tenay Benes, Before healing, we had carefully crafted masks that hid our hearts. Before healing, we had perfect performance to earn our right…

  • Is Refined Sugar a Neurotoxin?

    Is Refined Sugar a Neurotoxin?

    I’ve been walking down this six year journey of healing my #metabolism from over-dieting and #toxicfoodsupply. But recently, I heard the Lord say something that surprised me, and I began to wonder, “Is refined #sugar a #neurotoxin?”



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