Get Inspired Into Healing

Category: Health Stories

  • The Tree of Life

    The Tree of Life

    Early on in my Holy Spirit journey, God began interpreting the Book of Revelation to me. One of the first verses the Holy Spirit started re-teaching me was from the last chapter, about the Tree of Life. “Then the angel showed me a river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from…

  • When Locusts Come

    When Locusts Come

    On 20230528 I made small grammatical or formatting updates for clarity. Last week felt like the week from hell in the Benes household. First, my husband caught a stomach bug that led him to diarrhea during the day and vomit at night. The next day, I left him and our daughter at home while I…

  • Hurry Up and Heal Already!

    Hurry Up and Heal Already!

    My husband and I had a fight, tonight. That’s not anything new; we have learned to schedule in regular fights so that we don’t internalize our frustrations and lose our marriage to bitterness. Of course, the one stipulation is that we have to fight well—for the purpose of reconciliation—and that is sometimes harder to do…

  • The Chronic Illness Wave

    The Chronic Illness Wave

    I have been successfully healing from complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) for the past nine years. In 2014, I couldn’t get off the couch for more than one hour per day, but todays I live a very active and fulfilling life. However, I am still healing, and that means I still have moments where the…

  • A Happy Birthday to Me!

    A Happy Birthday to Me!

    I’m drafting this blog sitting on the bench in one of the shower stalls in my RV Park. My toddler is enjoying a very hot shower in the adjacent stall, so I have a little time to share a beautiful story of how I am finally enjoying my birthdays! Read more at #birthday #marriage…

  • How to Do Spiritual Warfare (A Practical Example)

    How to Do Spiritual Warfare (A Practical Example)

    Recently, a friend of mine was telling me how much she had enjoyed her pregnancy and how beautiful her birth was. She had lots to be glad about because her body was the picture of “everything working in perfect order” throughout much of her pregnancy and birth. She gained a perfect amount of weight for…

  • The Healing Power of Real Love (Updated)

    The Healing Power of Real Love (Updated)

    This is a God Story. I went to a different cubicle area to chat with a coworker. At the door, I heard someone I knew mention her severe back pain to a passerby as she limped back to her desk. I asked her what happened and she mentioned sciatica, but recently, things got worse. I…

  • When Healing Prayer Works and When It Doesn’t (Updated)

    When Healing Prayer Works and When It Doesn’t (Updated)

    This is a God story. Last week, I got news from two God-friends (people with whom I became friends purely because God linked us up) that rocked my world. The first friend said that after getting numerous lung-related hospitalizations, the doctors found growths in his lungs that they believed were cancerous and scheduled a biopsy.…



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