Do you want to learn how to heal the sick, cast our demons, bind up the broken-hearted, and set the captives free? Join me in this free video series where I share with you how to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth through your prayers. I originally shared this series in an interactive way via Facebook Live in 2018 (so sorry about the poor video quality) but the content still stands. I will eventually move the original videos to this blog.
Target Audience
The target audience of this series has basic spiritual disciplines down—that is, you:
- BELIEVE. You believed in Jesus as the Son of God who died and was resurrected after 3 days so that all who believe can be in relationship with Father God
- ARE REBORN. Your spirit was “born again” when you welcomed the Holy Spirit into your being as a deposit of your inheritance in the Kingdom of God
- ARE BAPTIZED. You were baptized in water by a believer when you were reborn in order to publicly profess your faith in Jesus Christ.
- GATHER. You belong to a local community of believers in order to worship God together and grow closer as a spiritual family; may be a house church or big church.
- PRAY. You dialogue with God; you speak, He speaks back.
- READ. You honor the written word of God as inspired in the original language as a ruler by which you can test the spirits (under the illumination of the Holy Spirit.)
- TITHE. You offer a portion of God’s provision to you back to others (according to the instruction of the Holy Spirit; may be a local church, charities, acquaintances or the needy.
- FAST. You temporarily abstain from certain foods, items or activities (according to the instruction of the Holy Spirit) in order to strengthen your spirit by weakening the flesh within.
- WORSHIP. You praise God with your heart; may include clapping, speaking or writing, singing or playing an instrument, dancing or other physical activity, 2-D or 3-D art.
- SEEK RIGHTEOUSNESS. You welcome the Holy Spirit to make whole your mind, body, heart and spirit; may include practicing new ways of thinking and new levels of revelation, pursuing sexual purity and physical well-being, seeking healing of heart wounds, as well as ceasing spiritual activities that work with spirits other than the Holy Spirit.
If you don’t know how to do those things, please let me know and I will point you to some resources and people who are focusing on those. You are still welcome to learn what we are learning but you will not be able to mature without committing to the above disciplines, first.
Links to Videos and Notes
The lessons below build on each other, so I recommend you watch them in order.
Session 1. Our Testimonies ARE God’s Glory (So I Share My Testimony)
Session 2. The Power of the Cross to Pour Out God’s Kingdom to Earth (The Real Gospel and Communion)
Session 3. Preparing Ourselves to Walk in Holy Spirit Power (Baptism in the Spirit)
Session 4. The Spirit’s SWORD is God’s Spoken-WORD (Hearing God’s Voice)
Session 5. Freedom from False Prophecy
Session 6. Guided Prayer in the Spirit (Praying in the Spirit)
Video Part 1
Video Part 2
Session 7. Lifting the Veil (Seeing in the Spirit)
Session 8. God’s Work at Night (Interpreting Dreams)
Session 9. Authority Rains Down God’s Will (Taking Charge in the Spirit)
Session 10. The Rhema Word Illuminates the Graphe Word (A Living Written Word)
Video Part 1
Video Part 2
Session 11. The Work of the Cross Against Oppression (Ministering Deliverance/Exorcism)
Session 12. Ministering Mental Healing
Session 13 & 14. Ministering Emotional Healing
Video Part 1
Video Part 2
Session 15. Ministering Physical Healing
Video Part 1
Video Part 2
Session 16. Where Does God Place Truth?
Session 17. Example Prayer Ministry
No Notes
Session 18. What Spirit Are You Of? What’s Love Got To Do With It? And other important questions... (AKA Teaching Caveats)
All videos can be found in the text accompanying this cover photo on Tenay Benes’ Personal Facebook Profile.
All Google Docs Notes can be found in this folder.
One response to “Holy Spirit U”
[…] Guided Prayer in the Spirit Video Part 1 & Part 2 (from my Holy Spirit U […]
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