This is a God Story.
I went to a different cubicle area to chat with a coworker. At the door, I heard someone I knew mention her severe back pain to a passerby as she limped back to her desk. I asked her what happened and she mentioned sciatica, but recently, things got worse. I offered her healing prayer, if she was interested. She eagerly replied, “Yes, that would be amazing!”
We found a small conference room in which could pray privately. When I laid my hand on her back and began to command her body to be healed in Yeshua’s name, she began to feel the Holy Spirit “radiating” from my hand down her body. She also began to feel numbness in her hands as I prayed. I sent away many spiritual burdens and curses, which were not hers to carry. As she remained under the presence of the Holy Spirit, the numbness went away and she began to feel much lighter.
God had me pause.
“TELL HER THAT THIS FEELING IS WHAT REAL LOVE FEELS LIKE,” God said to me; “SHE HAS NEVER FELT REAL LOVE BEFORE.” Then, I felt God’s father-heart begin to cry tears of relief that his little girl was finally able to receive his love. 😭 Instantly, I knew that God had been longing to touch her with his love like a mother hen longing to gather her chicks under her wings.
I shared what I was hearing and feeling with her. She immediately replied that it was true: “I put on a smile for everyone, but I know I’m running on empty,” she said.
I told her God is love and that since she has now tasted what real love feels like, she can use this experience as a measuring stick for every other experience in her life. “When you talk to talk to someone or read something, ask yourself, ‘Does this make me feel like that day I tasted real love?’ If the answer is, ‘No’, move on. If it’s not love, it’s not God.’”
And we have come to know and believe the love that God has for us. God is love; whoever abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
1st John 4:16
She nodded her head eagerly, with wide eyes, as she reflected that she had not “kept up with her prayers” in a long time. But I could tell this experience created an openness within her to have a dialogue with God for the first time.
It didn’t hurt that she walked out of that conference room completely healed, marveling at how it happened. I no longer marvel when I see miraculous healing because I have come to know that an outpouring of real love can’t help but heal human bodies, souls, and spirits.
Have you tasted real love, yet?
I checked in with two days later and she said some of the pain had returned. I asked her if she had applied any of the stay-healed tips and she hadn’t. I felt God say to pray away oppression off of her, that the symptoms were fake. I did so, for about 10 seconds. When I checked in two days after that, she said she was completely healed and remained so!
Praise the Lord 🌈💥👏