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40 Days of Faith – Day 38 | Investing in Entrepreneurship

I’ve learned to follow God’s urging in my heart.

The Status

On Day 38 of our #40daysoffaith adventure moving from MD to CO on the word of God, I spontaneously walked into a co-working building and signed a lease for their last dedicated desk. I’ve learned to follow God’s urging in my heart.

At the end of our first day working in this space, I marveled to my husband how different I felt in this new entrepreneurial venture (a speaker, author, influencer) compared to my last one (a home staging business I eventually dissolved after five years). Namely:

  • I was willing to spend money—no, invest money—into my entrepreneurial business without anxiety.
  • I was willing to made cold-calls to organizations to offer my speaker services, because I believe in the importance of my message: “God is for you, and if God healed me, God can heal you, too!”
  • I have looked forward to working everyday! I haven’t felt any resistance in my heart about spending all this effort doing something that I secretly expect to fail.

My husband asked me if I thought the change over the last two years is because I believe in the value of this business (trauma healing) more than the last business (real estate marketing), or if it is because of the significant trauma integration I have experienced this past year. “Both, I’m sure,” I replied.

But there may be a third reason: all of the effort I put into my last business, all of the tears I cried, the lessons I learned, and the prayers I prayed to become a godly business owner—maybe all of those seeds are producing a harvest now. Perhaps this drastic change is what God meant when he/she said to me at the bitter end of my last business—as I was liquidating my inventory and trying to keep the shame of failure at bay, “You have done well. Not all success is financial.”

The Takeaway

Even when I don’t understand it, or like it, I can trust that God’s thoughts and ways are always amazing—and God is always working for my best!

Isaiah 55:8 in parallel

Seeing such drastic fruit of the spirit in my own heart proves God’s goodness to me, every single time.

P.S. I already got my first call back from an organization interested in hiring me as a speaker! If you know of any others, please let me know.

The Prayer

God, thank you for using my last business to prepare me to excel in this business. I welcome the harvest! Amen.

The Challenge

What is your #40daysoffaith adventure and how did Day 38 go? What is one way you are drastically different from the way you were before because of God’s work in you?

One response to “40 Days of Faith – Day 38 | Investing in Entrepreneurship”

  1. Lisa Avatar

    Amazing!! This is a exciting!!

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