Get Inspired Into Healing

Called to Heal

We who follow Yeshua, the Spirit-Empowered One—sent by our Heavenly Father God—are called to heal. First, we are called to receive healing from God in our body, soul, and spirit.

The Path of Healing

This healing starts by choosing to believe that Yeshua’s work on the cross has power to heal us, and thus inviting God’s Spirit to enter our heart and empower our human spirit to take territory in our body; some call this salvation.

It continues by kicking out any unlawful residents—unclean spirits—out of our body; some call this deliverance or exorcism.

It continues still by repairing the damage left by those unlawful residents and also by our own neglect; some call this healing, but I call the entire process healing.

It finishes by growing in authority and maturity over our body, soul, and spirit so that we can lead ourselves into our God-appointed purposes; some call this sanctification, but I call it fullness and wholeness.

A Nonlinear Process

This process is not perfectly linear; rather, it works in spirals in various areas of our lives. A person may be highly sanctified in the area of human relationships but not at all sanctified in the area of his body. Thus, he may die from obesity-related complications at 40 years old even though he is surrounded by loving people and knows how to love others well. This kind of situation can be confusing for others to watch. They might say, “Why did God take his life so early?” The answer is, “God didn’t. God gave him a body for which he was to care, so that he could learn how to care for it well. He tasted the consequences of his own choices, not God’s will.”

Many people who walk the path of healing with God will see God address two or three areas of their lives at once. Perhaps it’s learning how to rest, learning how to not worry, and learning how to eat cleanly. After a period of struggle in the learning, it will feel like they get a sudden breakthrough! They will enjoy the fruit of their labor and God will have them move onto another area of healing. However, God will usually have them return to the same areas a few more times over the years, not because they lost their healing but because real healing happens in layers and some healing is too difficult to do all at once. It’s perfectly okay, just roll with it and let God be your healer.

Giving It Away

In any area that we have begun receiving the healing work of the Holy Spirit, we can already begin giving it away. That’s because anyone who has been called to receive healing in some area of their life can heal others in that same area of their lives. No eight -week church program necessary. No theological degree required. No years of proving yourself in the same church by doing what others want you to do. Freely we give what we freely receive from God.

What IS necessary is emotional intelligence and maturity (including kindness, gentleness, and boundaries) as well as spiritual discernment. What IS also necessary is knowing how to hear God for another person’s benefit, so that God’s will—and not our own—is fulfilled in that person’s life. Learning to walk with another at the pace of their healing and not our own is crucial to success.

We who belongs to Yeshua are called to heal, first to heal ourselves and then to heal the world. This is what church is supposed to be all about, so I’m going to start some online video chat meetings around this goal. Please leave a comment below, or contact me using the contact form if you want to be included on the invitation.

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  1. […] We who follow Yeshua are called to heal, first ourselves, and then the […]

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