One of my most favorite parenting hacks that I learned from my friend, Serena (of Playful Poppies) is using songs to help my kid transition from one activity to another.
Since I love singing and I enjoy writing easy-to-rhyme poetry, I thought I’d take a crack at making up some transition songs and/or lyrics of my own. Here’s a short list of my favorites. Feel free to take them, use them, or make up your own.
All the Way Home
This is the way we comb our hair
Comb our hair
Comb our hair
This is the way we comb our hair
All day long
This is the way we clean our toys
Clean our toys
Clean our toys
This is the way we clean our toys
All day long
(Repeat with “brush our teeth”, “eat our peas” or any other three-syllable task)
The Farmer in the Dell
It’s time to eat your food
It’s time to eat your food
High-ho, the dairy-oh
It’s time to eat your food
It’s time to go to sleep
It’s time to go to sleep
High-ho, the dairy-oh
It’s time to go to sleep
(Repeat with “drink your milk”, “brush your teeth”, “wash your face”, “go-o home”, “say goodbye”, or any other three-syllable task)
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Brush, brush, brush your teeth
Gently along the gum
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is so much fun
Wash, wash, was your face
Gently around the eyes
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is a surprise
(Repeat with “scrub your nails gently on your hands… life is such a dance”, “scrub your soles gently on your feet; life is such a treat” or any other three-syllable task)
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Diaper changes make me clean
Make me clean
Make me clean
Diaper changes make me clean so
I can run and play
I gotta get my diaper changed
Diaper changed
Diaper changed
I gotta get my diaper changed
Many times a day, hey!
I Want a Burp (A Tenay Benes Original)
I want a burp, want a burp, not a fart
I want a burp, not a fart
(Fart-noise, twice)
I want a burp, want a burp, not a cough
I want a burp, not a cough
(Cough-noise, twice)
I want a burp, want a burp, not a sneeze
I want a burp, not a sneeze
I want a burp, want a burp, not a hiccup
I want a burp, not a hiccup
I want a burp, want a burp, not a yawn
I want a burp, not a yawn
(Loooong yawn-noise)
I want a burp, want a burp, want a burp
I want a burp, want a burp.
(Sing this song while burping your toddler. Let her repeat the bodily noises after you. If he/she burps during the song, interrupt the rest of the song with “I got a burp!!!” and move onto the next activity.)
Have more ideas? Please share in the comments, below!