Lately, my husband has been blasting Danny Gokey’s songs everywhere we go. Whether it’s getting ready in the morning, driving in the car to the office, or having fun at the gym, Danny has been keeping us uplifted and encouraged as we walk through the opposite-state of the prophecy God has given us for Colorado. Seeing the fruit of soaking in these lyrics and melodies has led me to the conclusion that the God of Danny Gokey’s lyrics is the one I want to serve for the rest of my life.
Why? Hope—that’s why!
Biblical hope—the expectation that God will fulfill his promises to us (including the promise to make good of every trial we experience)—is what drives living beings to continue to live and grow. On the other hand, despair—the absence of hope—drives living beings to death. Ask a good psychologist and you’ll hear what the Bible already says about hope: a person with hope will overcome every difficulty, but one without hope will shrivel up and die.
Sadly, I don’t hear a lot of hope coming out of the mouths of many fellow believers, right now. That’s why Danny’s ministry is soooo important, and the Benes family is drawn to it like a moth to a flame—a flame of life and power and love!
Am I overstating this amazingness? I don’t know. Check out these songs for yourself, and tell me what you think. I’ve added excerpts of my favorite lyrics from each song to whet your appetite. If you listen to only these songs, every day, for the next seven days, compare how you end up feeling about the world before and after. If you feel more hopeful, then go out, and spread your Hope everywhere you go!
There's hope in front of me
There's a light, I still see it
There's a hand still holding me
Even when I don't believe it
I might be down but I'm not dead
There's better days still up ahead
Even after all I've seen
There's hope in front of me
This is a new day
Everything bursting with hope
Coming alive
This moment, moment
You've got a freedom
No looking back anymore
Open your eyes
It's coming, coming
This is a new day
The old has gone away
This is a new day
Don't let it slip away
It's like the brightest sunrise
Waiting on the other side of the darkest night
Don't ever lose hope, hold on and believe
Maybe you just haven't seen it, just haven't seen it yet
You're closer than you think you are
Only moments from the break of dawn
All His promises are just up ahead
Maybe you just haven't seen it, just haven't seen it yet
Fight the good fight, even when the fight ain't fair
Keep your hopes high, even when the hope's not there
You got to, steady on, hang on to Jesus
You're not done, don't stop believin'
All of heaven's cheerin' you on
To finish strong, 'eah
Put my heart through the fire, I won't be burned
It's only making me stronger, even if it hurts
So I'll do whatever it takes
I know that I will be changed
When I walk through the fire
I'm coming out a fighter, a fighter (Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah)
Coming out a fighter, a fighter (Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah)
I could be a warrior, I could be a hero
I could be a sage, I could be a king
(I could be a king, oh-oh)
Build a whole empire
Set the world on fire
I could be almost anything
But You take the best I could achieve
And make me more than I could dream
More than a warrior, more than a hero or anything
(More than anything)
You make me more than I could be
Someone's gonna need your story to get them through the night
Someone's gonna see His glory by the way He won your fight
There's a breaking in the waiting
And the storm keeps bearing down
But there's hope even though, even though
There is no mountain you can't face
There is no giant you can't take
All of your tears were not a waste
Your one step away
Just when they think they've got you game set match
Oh here comes the comeback
So rise
Breaking the dark, piercing the night
You're made to shine
An army of hope
Bringing the world
A radiant light
A radiant light
You were made to rise, rise
Cause we're stronger than we think we are
There's a thunder rolling in our hearts
Pushing up against the dark
Yeah we're stronger than we think we are
Can't escape disappointment
Can't avoid the delay
But I don't have to make feeling down and defeated the place that I stay
Gonna rise to the moment
Gonna speak to the waves
Gonna push back that doubt that keeps dragging me down when I can't find a way
I know, nothing can separate me from You now
I look at Your skies and I see my significance
O' forever my identity is a child of the one true King
Your righteousness has become my inheritance
Oh, I believe that
We can make a difference
We can do our talking with our hands and feet
Love is on a mission
Let the difference start with you and me
Let’s get to work
Your turn! What are some of your most hope-giving songs? Comment below! Then, send this song list to a friend who could use some more hope in his or her life. ❤️