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40 Days of Faith – Day 35 | Faith or Foolishness

This is the cost of marrying a man with faith as big as mine…”

The Status

On Day 35 of our #40daysoffaith adventure moving from MD to CO on the word of God, we visited Estes Park and the piece of land we believe God is going to give us. My husband was almost overwhelmed with longing and begged God to fulfill all he/she has promised us.

My experience was quite different: I was happy to be there (albeit cold), and I was curious about the impact being there had on my husband, but the place didn’t call to me. That’s when I knew for sure something I had been considering for a while now: this is not my prophecy, this is my husband’s prophecy!

This realization makes something I hear my friends say so funny to me: “You’re so blessed to be married to a man like Brett, because he supports your great faith.” Some of them recently said this to me when I told them I heard God say to go west, but what they may not have realized when they said that is this: in this situation, I am the one supporting my husband’s faith.

  • He is the one to whom God promised land.
  • He is the one who loves the mountains.
  • He is the one who has been dreaming since he was a small child of having land and a house in which he could establish his family.
  • This is his prophecy; but we are pursuing together.

I am the one who hears God for the practical details of our lives (like when to leave, which route to take, and where to live when we arrive), because my husband trusts my hearing. He trusts my hearing because I am also the one who moved from a 2,500 square foot house to a 176 square foot camper with a large man, a toddler, and two cats so that he could receive what God promised him. That’s because I trust his hearing. This is the cost of marrying a man with faith as big as mine—I must support his pursuit of God’s promises and prophesied by acting on them before we see them happen.

Check out this peek into our Day 35 of #40daysoffaith!

The Takeaway

Walking in faith always looks like foolishness… until what we expected to happen happens!

Hebrews 11:1

I thank God everyday that my husband and I became friends on the basis of faith. We had faith enough to believe in a prophecy the other had received from God. (This type of friendship is such a rare gift!)

When we married, our faith level quadrupled because when we combined our faith, it became greater than either of ours had been separately. (God even had to tell us to slow down because this side-effect of our multiplied faith made us more mentally and spiritually eager to obey God than we were emotionally or physically ready to walk out! Haha 😂 )

The Prayer

God, I don’t always like your ways, but I LOVE your results. So I’m agreeing with you that this season is important for our family to be able to receive your good gifts without them ruining us. Do what you came to do in us. Amen.

The Challenge

What is your #40daysoffaith adventure and how did Day 34 go? In what area might you be experiencing the opposite state of a prophecy?

One response to “40 Days of Faith – Day 35 | Faith or Foolishness”

  1. […] or having fun at the gym, Danny has been keeping us uplifted and encouraged as we walk through the opposite-state of the prophecy God has given us for Colorado. Seeing the fruit of soaking in these lyrics and […]

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