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The Mother of Hope

This morning, I went to the gym thinking that I would give it my all to love on my body, soul, and spirit. What I didn’t know was that God set me up for one of those life-altering, before-and-after experiences.

Here’s me, “before”:

Here’s me, hanging out with myself, minding my own business, when…

After spending almost two hours walking around the indoor track while making video reels/shorts and then dancing to worship music, I reflected to myself how despairing the world seems to be right now (especially according to Christian leaders). I asked God why these faithful men and women of God didn’t seem to have the hope of the Kingdom of Heaven like I had? I mean—God is on the throne, y’all! He is not gonna let us lose this war!

Flashback to Prophecy

That’s when God flashed me back to a moment seven years ago. I was one year old in walking with the Holy Spirit (though I had been saved eight years and was highly churched). That night, I had been prayer-walking around a neighborhood in Virginia for a couple of hours, crying out to the Lord. I was telling him all of my woes, my fears, and my sense of despair that none of God’s promises seemed to be coming to pass. All of a sudden, I saw in my mind’s eye Father God standing next to me. I sat down on the curb of a suburban neighborhood to wait upon what God would say. He pointed to my belly, which seemed to house a ball of light within, almost like a pregnant woman carrying a baby. Then, he reached out to my face and cupped my chin. “You are the mother of hope,” he said.

I didn’t know what he meant. “The mother of hope? Who, me?! Haven’t you been listening to me tonight? I don’t have any hope! I barely even know what hope is!” “That doesn’t change the fact of who you are,” said the Lord with a gentle smile on his face, and he disappeared. I walked home and went to bed, pondering in my heart what God could have meant. I pondered for the next seven years (so much so that I almost named my kid Hope, because I thought that might be what the prophecy meant!)

Prophecy Fulfilled

The flashback ended and I returned to today. I realized that the word of prophecy Father God had spoken to me seven years ago was fulfilled in this moment! I was full of hope! In fact, it perplexed me to see believers and followers of my Lord, Savior, and Friend Yeshua absent of hope! What a change there was in me!

At that realization, the Holy Spirit came over me like I have only experienced three or four times before in my life. At a prompting not my own, I began to call down the angels of God upon and through my websites to minister to those who visited it. From there, the vision moved to my office, then to my home, and my gym, then to a prayer group, and several friends—the angels of the Lord flooded each one of these places, wherever the Spirit of the Lord was welcome, to take it over in the name of Yeshua. The vision finally landed on my husband, who is my spiritual protection; he guards me from spiritual attack that I used to have to fend off myself before we married. (What a blessing!) The angels descended upon him in droves and he was strengthened and empowered by the service of God to his body, soul, and spirit. I realized I was sending ministers of hope to everyone who would listen!

Fulfillment Confessed

When the vision ended, I headed home to my family as fast as I could. “I AM the mother of hope!” I excitedly declared to my husband. “I can birth hope in others through my website, my blogs, my videos, my books, and my speeches because God has birthed it in me!”

Freely I received, so freely I can give the food of all life: hope—the confident expectation that God will make good out of everything that comes to pass. Amen.

2 responses to “The Mother of Hope”

  1. Serena Avatar

    Amen and amen! 😍

  2. Lisa Avatar

    Wow! This is exciting and amazing!!

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