If you’ve never felt the presence of the Holy Spirit upon you, manifesting as:
- Unexplainable peace in your heart or mind
- Tingling, heat, or icy hot sensation on your skin or inside your body
- Words of wisdom, hope, or life coming out of your mouth that you weren’t intending to speak
But you want to get there, the recipe is easy.
Right after you read this post:
- Put the phone down.
- Pray, asking God what is one act of obedience you can do right now. It can be small, like, “Text your friend a scripture” or big like, “Go and tell your mother you forgive her”.
- Then… DO IT! Do it immediately, if you can.
- Rinse and repeat. You will be AMAZED at how the presence of the Lord will start falling on you.
Please share what happened in the comments!