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Freedom or Control?

Sometimes I struggle with the theological understanding I see on “The Chosen“, but I love that this cast and crew are doing their best to honor Yeshua and going big or going home! I also greatly respect how the Director, Dallas Jenkins, promotes freedom on the set of “The Chosen”, by giving his workers–many of whom have different beliefs than he–the freedom of speech that he would like others to give to him.

Christian Culture Wars

In the video below, Dallas responds to accusations by some “Conservative Christians” that he promoted a “woke agenda” by flying a homosexual pride flag over the set as they were filming an episode of “The Chosen”.

I LOVE his humble and courageous response, and I want to share it with you.

Dallas Jenkins Responds to Inter-Christian Culture Wars

Is Control Christ-like?

Telling people in your company what they are supposed to think, believe, say, wear, or display is not loving, it is controlling. Yet, the spirit of control has been plaguing the Bride of Christ–the Church–since its birth. Control–the act of trying to police what people think and how people live–is the opposite of Galatians 5:1a, “It is for freedom that Christ set you free.” The word “freedom” is from G1658/euletheros, and means “not a slave or under restraint, free from obligation.”

In essence, this scripture is saying, “It is so that you are no longer under obligation to any rule/practice/habit/law that Christ released your restraints.” The verse goes on to give examples of slave-making-rules like circumcision; other verses include the food laws. In today’s context, “circumcision” has evolved into “Christian Cultural Expectations” like “boycotting homosexual symbols”.

Let us obey the rest of Galatians 5:1b by refusing to make ourselves slaves to the law of “Christian Cultural Expectations” anymore.

No Freedom, No Salvation

Without the freedom to choose anything we want in some area of our lives, we remain slaves in that area. If we are slaves, we cannot choose of our own free will what God wants in that area. That means we cannot truly love God in that area and, therefore, receive God’s love in that area, because love must be freely given. That means we cannot ever be made-whole by God in that area, AKA have no access to salvation, healing, or deliverance in that area. Without freedom, we are doomed to sin again and again.

“Without the freedom to choose anything we want in some area of our lives, we remain slaves in that area… [never able to] receive God’s love in that area, because love must be freely given.”

That’s why God put the Tree of Knowledge into the Garden of Eden. Without it, Adam & Even could never freely-choose God; they could only be slaves to God. God doesn’t want slaves, God wants children, friends, and a bride.

Freedom is the basis of all love and all that is holy.

Promote freedom.

P.S. Are there godly limits to promoting freedoms? Yes. When one person’s freedom causes direct harm to another person, we are called to protect whichever person is the most weak, the most vulnerable to the point of possibly limiting their freedoms or others. This person is often the least popular, the most outcast, the youngest, the oldest, the least intelligent or capable, the most broken, etc. The Holy Spirit will help us discern when we ask. Best wishes to you as you seek to grow in this!

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