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It is for freedom that Christ has set you free…

I have heard it said that the freedom Jesus purchased for man on the cross was the freedom to obey Him.

While that sounds true, it also sounds a bit like manipulation. (Anyone else feel the same way?)

I am learning that Christ came to set us free not just from the influence of demons, or the pain of sickness, or the torment of a broken heart, but also from religious traditions, from moral culture, from obligation to family or friends, from doing anything out of fear.

After all, God (not Satan) planted TWO trees in the garden: one that man could eat and one man should not eat. Why plant the second tree if God didn’t want man to disobey? Man had to have the full option to disobey before man could lovingly obey.

One response to “It is for freedom that Christ has set you free…”

  1. […] why God put the Tree of Knowledge into the Garden of Eden. Without it, Adam & Even could never freely-choose God; they could only […]

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