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Hope for the Holidays

I just saw Halloween costumes at CostCo and Thanksgiving pumpkin decor at Scheels. You know what that means? The holidays are right around the corner. I usually get excited for the holidays, but this year, the idea of the holidays coming made me sad.

Soon But Not Yet

I thought we would have a house by now, a house in which to celebrate the holidays together. In comfort. In beauty. In a little more room than 180 square feet.

I thought we’d be able to pull out our Christmas tree and train this year. I thought Elaya would get to enjoy the train more this year than ever before.

I didn’t think this “quick hop across the stream”—a vision God gave me for our transition into our new season—would take a year (or more… who knows?) Why does God say such things like “it’s going to be so fast” and “it’ll be quick” when God knows time feels sooooo much looooonger to us than to him/her?

Hope for the Holidays

Fortunately, I have an amazing husband who knows how to encourage the down-hearted in a godly way. When I told him how sad I felt about the holidays this year, he said, “Well, we do live in a house on wheels, so why don’t we go somewhere fun during the holidays so that we can make lemonade out of lemons?”

Okay, he didn’t actually say the part about the lemonade, but he meant it.

So… we are planning a trip to make the best of the season in which we find ourselves. Stay tuned for more.

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