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How to Receive Miracles from Unexpected Places

If you’ve ever run in charismatic Christian circles, you’ve probably heard of the powerful spiritual gifts of Randy Clark for healing, Shawn Bolz for prophecy, Heidi Baker for anointing, and Bill Johnson for breakthrough. Even though I have been to conferences, attended mission trips, or read/watched teaching from all of these powerful men and women of God, the most powerful miracles I have ever received didn’t happen as a result of their ministries. Neither did they happen at a church service when the pastor or volunteers trained in “how to prophesy” or “how to pray in power” laid hands on me. They happened through the prayers and prophecies of the least trained, least initiated, and least experienced believers I knew: those whom I had baptized in the spiritual realm.

My Veteran Buddy Nails Prophecy

One powerfully-accurate prophecy came from my Veteran friend over a prayer call during COVID, when I was very pregnant. Out of the blue, he said, “God knows you have one priority in this season: to be a mother. But God often calls the spiritually mature to multi-task. So he is reminding you that he has kept you in the military for a reason and that it, too, needs you in this season.”

What my friend didn’t know was that my husband and I had been praying for a month to get confirmation on a word of direction we had received from the Lord directing me to go back on active duty. (This guidance was very unexpected and very poorly-timed, in our opinion.) But as a result of my Veteran friend nailing that word of prophecy, my husband and I immediately cancelled all of our best-made plans to stay at home with our kid during her first year, packed up our lives, and moved 1,000 miles away. My friend was just as surprised as we were at the impact of his prophecy: double-wonder, double-blessing.

My Friend Becomes My Spiritual Obstetrician

In a similar vein, one of the most powerful healings I ever received came from my yoga teacher friend when she called me to share a praise report. She said, “Tenay, I stepped out in faith, prayed for my friend’s headache over the phone, and she was healed! The Holy Spirit works over the phone!” This was one of her first ever successful healings, ever, ever, ever.

What she didn’t know was that in that very moment, I was in the middle of a loooong gestational hypertension headache (which had been going on and off for weeks to the point where I had to crawl on all fours to keep my head and heart at the same level). I knew this was no coincidence. “Pray for me, right now!” I exclaimed, so she prayed and the headache was gone. What’s more, I have never had hypertension problems since that day, two years ago!

The Secret of Rewards

I have many more such God stories but they all share one common secret that I want to share with you. Each person from whom I received a powerful miracle has said to me, “I don’t know why it’s so easy to pray/prophesy for you, especially when it doesn’t work at the same level when I do it for others.”

To them, I have replied with the secret of Matthew 10:41.

The one receiving a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive the reward of a prophet, and the one receiving a righteous man in the name of a righteous man will receive the reward of a righteous man.

Matthew 10:41, Berean Literal Bible

I explained to them that because I received them as a prophet or a healer before they had a history of success, I received the reward of my belief in them: a successful prophecy or healing. But others who received their attempts to prophesy or pray as just a “kind gesture” by a righteous man or woman only got the commensurate reward.

It is a spiritual principle (but not a law) that we can only receive what we are open to receiving from others. So be open to the power of the Holy Spirit operating through that new believer or newly-baptized baptized believer around you, today! Then, you won’t have to wait until the next Randy Clark conference to get your healing; you can just set up a phone date with a friend.

2 responses to “How to Receive Miracles from Unexpected Places”

  1. […] to Stay Healed After Prayer How to Receive Miracles from Unexpected Places How to Interpret Visions From God: A Practical Example How to Offer Holy Spirit Prayer (with […]

  2. […] me out of the blue to share a God Story about successful healing prayer. In that moment, I knew God was about to perform an encore with me through her! She prayed for me, and the hypertension disappeared in that very hour—until […]

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