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The Christmas Story to Music with Sign Language

One of the things to which I most looked forward as a new mom was teaching my baby sign language. I wanted to be able to discover what she wants and likes at least one year before she would be able to speak them to me.

One of the other things to which I most looked forward was sharing the story of Christ’s birth with my child.

This video not only does those things, but adds beautiful music to create a little piece of Heaven!

Rachel Coleman sings and signs the Christmas story for babies in beautiful, Bible-accurate telling of Jesus’ birth.

The singer, Rachel Coleman, is the original woman who brought baby sign language from the deaf world into the hearing world by incorporating signs into educational music videos. As a result, she has saved many thousands of parents countless hours of toddler tantrums because babies can now get their needs met by using sign language (as opposed to the less successful guessing game). Check out her several YouTube channels and, my favorite, her testimony of how her work came to be.

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