Get Inspired Into Healing

Make the Most of Your Meditation | Guided Christian Meditation

This is the supporting blog to the YouTube video called, “Make the Most of Your Meditation | Guided Christian Meditation” recorded on 16 February 2023, and available at Although this blog has the notes from which I made the video, the video has a lot more detail than this blog about each section, so I invite you to watch it when you get a chance!

About Your Facilitator

Hi, I’m Tenay Benes, a speaker, author, and influencer seeking to inspire audiences into healing by sharing my personal story of overcoming Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). Since I dove into my PTSD healing nine years ago, I have participated in over 40 trauma therapies (both spiritual and secular) to heal my body, soul, and spirit. Today, despite being a Service-Disabled Veteran, I’m a thriving daughter of God, wife & mom, Army Reserve Officer, entrepreneur, and community member.You can find more information about me at

One of the speaking services I have begun to offer is an online series called Guided Christian Meditation, which is customized for 4 sets of audiences:

  • People seeking healing (including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing).
  • Military & Veterans seeking to demilitarize and gain their identity in God
  • Members of the Marketplace (including government, industry, and academia) seeking to get God’s guidance into their work decisions
  • Everyone else seeking to connect with God face-to-face

About My Meditations

Chances are, you’ve never experienced a meditation like mine. I start out with a brief introduction into the Biblical basis for meditation, continue with a grounding technique that helps calm your nervous system and make it easier to meditate, and then invite you into a prayer journey that helps you connect with God for yourself. I offer invitations, questions, and prompts that allow you to hear from God directly. You can always come back to each video to experience the meditation again and again.

But what do you do after you do the meditation? How do you process what you experienced? That’s the topic of today’s video.

How God Communicates

Since the goal of Guided Christian Meditation is to help you hear from God directly – whether it’s to help you in your high-stress work culture, your business decisions, your healing, or your life – you need to understand how God communicates with us.

Spiritual Sight

  • Sponteaneous images (stills, shorts, or videos) in the movie-screen-of-your-mind (your imagination)
  • About real or imagined places or situations
  • About past, present, or future
  • Spiritual realm, soul realm, or natural realm
  • Usually symbolic (though not always)
  • Symbols come from your life! Seeing a golden retriever may induce comfort and joy for one person and panic for another; God knows what means what for you
  • Symbols in your life can come from movies, memories, Bible stories, etc.

Spiritual Hearing

  • Spontaneous thoughts in mind or knowledge in heart
  • Not all the thoughts in our head come from us
  • Thoughts that are truth AKA thoughts that offer a “life-giving perspective” (like hope, courage, strenght, unity, forgiveness) are from God, even if they sound like your own voice
  • Thoughts that are false AKA “fear-inducing” or “vain imaginations” (like divisiveness, accusation, competition, despair, over-self-protectiveness) are from the enemy of God, even if they sound like your own voice; just send them to the Cross of Yeshua
  • Some people “hear” through their heart and have to try to put words to it in their mind; this is very common and perfectly acceptable

Spiritual Promptings

  • A seemingly illogical desire or urge in your heart to do a specific thing right away or quickly

Spiritual Sensations

  • Feeling/Tasting/Smelling
  • Feelings include: peace, comfort, lightness, heat, chills, and pain
  • When you pray, it can be common to start feeling pain, because the Holy Spirit is illuminating a problem of which you were not aware; it can move, increase, or decrease as you pray

Processing Your Meditation

Now that you know how people CAN see, I invite you to go back to your Guided Christian Meditation

  1. Write down everything you remember “hearing” from God
  2. Ask the Holy Spirit for an interpretation of everything you “heard”.
  3. Test what you “heard”
    • Write it down and reflect on how it makes you feel; if you feel steady and peaceful, it’s from God
    • Compare it to scripture; does it fit within the paradigm of the good nature of God in scripture? If so, it’s from God
    • Does it produce good fruit? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (among others, including an abundant increase and body/soul/spirit healing). If so, it’s from God
    • If you have trouble, send it to a friend whose hearing you trust and ask them to pray about the interpretation

I hope that helps! The more practice you get, the better you will get; I promise!

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  1. […] Grounding Techniques | Healing Articles Make the Most of Your Meditation | Guided Christian Meditation […]

  2. […] Grounding Techniques | Healing Articles Make the Most of Your Meditation | Guided Christian Meditation […]

  3. […] Grounding Techniques | Healing Articles Make the Most of Your Meditation | Guided Christian Meditation […]

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