This evening, I decided to take my kid outside later than usual because we hadn’t had as much us-time and, honestly, she was acting out because of it. My husband who had been having a tough time as the stay-at-home-parent to an acting-out toddler was d-u-n, done! I was trying to help everyone get back to peace. #realparenting
A major weather system had recently passed over our neighborhood, full of lightning, thunder, and rain showers, which caused an electrical outage in the area. Once the rain subsided, I took my kid outside. What we saw took my breath away.

The brightest, most vivid rainbow I’ve ever seen was hanging in the sky right over our neighborhood. It was actually a double rainbow (a fainter one was above it). But the most impressive and unusual aspect of it was that it was a repeating rainbow.
When you looked at its colors, it wasn’t just red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. After the purple came red again, followed by the rest of the colors. This repeating of colors happened about five times in one rainbow! (I wish the photo above could have done it justice, but if you zoom in, I hope you can see evidence of what I’m talking about.)
I called out to my husband, “Come outside! God has a gift for you out here!”
Interpreting a Sign
The way I understand a quintuple repeating rainbow is that it is a sign of a quintuple promise that God will always intervene on my husband’s behalf. It is a reference to God’s covenant with Noah and all living creatures that God will never let darkness/fallenness/sin take over the whole world ever again (see Genesis 9). You see, God let man and demons do whatever they wanted for many generations from the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden until Noah. The result was that it got to the point where the world was no longer redeemable for any good/life-giving future, except for Noah’s family. Thus all darkness had to be wiped out in order to preserve any hope of God’s salvation through Noah’s sons (remember that Yeshua, the Messiah is a descendant of Noah.)
This rainbow reminds us that God will never again leave us completely to our own devices, and thus, that darkness can never take over for good. This promise applies not just to our little family, but also to the bigger family of people in the whole world.
That Genesis 9 promise is a promise for all of us. Remember it.