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40 Days of Faith – Day 40 | All In

Either we do it God’s way,
or we do it man’s way.
We will certainly fail
if we try to do both.

The Status

On Day 40 of our #40daysoffaith adventure moving from MD to CO on the word of God, God woke me up early so that I could have time with him/her. In the RV Campground shower stall, I finally prayed the prayer God has been waiting for.

God, I break agreement with the wisdom of the world regarding managing resources. Although I am thankful for how budgeting my money helped me get out of debt years ago, I acknowledge we have outgrown human financial planning. I give you control over all our resources: the bills we pay (or don’t), the stuff we buy (or don’t), the income we receive (or don’t). It’s all yours anyway.

This prayer has been a long time coming. When God tells you to pack up your household to go to a land he/she will show you, and—by faith—you actually GO, you gotta be all-in to the God-crazy, or else you will be tormented by the spirits of the world.

For me, this torment has come in the flavor of worrying about our finances. Over the past few weeks, I have run the numbers again and again. I concluded that although it could work out, we would likely be living paycheck to paycheck, and any surprise bill (like last year’s tax bill) could create a domino effect that could get us behind on all of our bills.

But worrying is fruitless because worry comes from a spirit of fear that afflicts you; it is not a mental or emotional state that humans are created by God to experience. That’s why I decided before God once and for all that I refuse to let my brain go down the track of worry! I told my husband, “If I have money, I will spend it as the Spirit leads. If I don’t, I will wait on God to provide. I will not budget our money, and I will not worry anymore.” He replied, “I’m glad you’re all in. We can’t live with one foot in this world and one foot in God’s Kingdom. Either we do it God’s way, or we do it man’s way. We will certainly fail if we try to do both.” That’s why I love him.

“Baby, you say the coolest things!”

The Takeaway

This is a good time for me to remember that real faith throws out every human standard of wisdom and every human observation that predicts failure. Real faith expects to receive God’s promises because they are founded on the good nature of God, not on the probability of a series of events occurring in just the right way. Statistics is the enemy of faith.

Fortunately, we have some testimonies about people who—by faith—were willing to give it all for God, and they beat the statistics!

If you don’t know the rest of the story, Abraham had two children, one by his 90-year old formerly-barren wife. Those two sons ended up being the forefathers of Israel and the Arab nations. Talk about blessed!

The Prayer

God, we have obeyed you when you told us, “Go west, young man!” We are fully submitted to you. We have sent away worry, sent away fear. We have prepared our fields. We are ready to do the work you want us to do until you transition us into the promised land you want to give us. Thank you for this opportunity to grow. Amen.

The Challenge

What is your #40daysoffaith adventure and how did Day 40 go? What faith decision is God inviting you into?

P.S. Thank you for joining me on this faith journey! I’d love to hear how your journey went, as well as any fruit following my journey built in your life. (Testimonies are my FAVORITE, followed by worshipping and praying together.)

P.P.S. PAs a fun send-off from this series, please enjoy this aptly-named 80’s Christian music flashback that I didn’t even know existed until a friend recently mentioned it.
Go West Young Man” by Michael W. Smith

3 responses to “40 Days of Faith – Day 40 | All In”

  1. Jacob Goin Avatar
    Jacob Goin

    I enjoyed reading your words about your 40th day. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. God bless your family in Colorado and beyond.

    1. Tenay Benes Avatar

      Thanks so much, Jacob! So glad it brought you enjoyment. Blessing to you from me and Brett.

    2. Jacob Avatar

      Thank you Tenay! Blessing to you and Brett!

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