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40 Days of Faith – Day 9 | Rhythms for Balance

Day 9 of our #40daysoffaith adventure moving from MD to CO on the word of God reminded us that even our vacations need healthy life rhythms. After a fitful night of not sleeping at our second Cracker Barrel parking lot, we decided to incorporate a daily playground excursion (like we used to in MD) for our daughter to tire herself out. This cut our opportunity to see the sights down to about one hour per day; bummer.

Today, we took that hour to find and take a shower—sorry, North Carolina Museum of Natural History. Maybe next time? All we saw of Raleigh, NC was the driver’s lounge of the Flying J Truck Stop, and its $17 per person shower 😬.

I am starting to realize that we need to incorporate other MD rhythms into our road trip: namely the daily hour of self-care my husband and I used to take. Today, I got 30 minutes of that by walking around the playground while my husband played with my daughter, but it was not enough, and I currently feel like I’m about to burst.

Due to insufficient me-time, I currently feel like this animated grumpy face that explodes from his anger into a charred emoji.

We are discovering what we need this trip to be, and know more than yesterday. However, we sure don’t feel rested, yet. When can the “vacation” part of the trip begin?!

The Prayer

God, help us to get into our new rhythms so that we can make the most out of this special time together. Help us enjoy it, even if it doesn’t look like what we planned; whatever it may look like. Be with us, always. So be it—amen.

The Challenge

What is your #40daysoffaith adventure and how did Day 9 go? Have you had to start letting go of your plans or expectations, yet?

One response to “40 Days of Faith – Day 9 | Rhythms for Balance”

  1. […] husband had said yesterday that “we need more vacation” in our vacation”, so we visited the Biltmore Estate in […]

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