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Is Refined Sugar a Neurotoxin?

I’ve been working my way through healing my metabolism for six years now. Between my struggle with body image issues that I learned from my mom (leading to feelings of never being “thin enough” and a lifestyle of constant yo-yo dieting) and the impacts of our incredibly toxic food, my metabolism seemed to just quit on me one day.

I’ve learned a lot about how to reverse the effects of a broken metabolism and I’m on my way to restoring God’s original design of relating to food (intuitive eating), but recently, God said something that was very shocking to me:


Now, I have a biology degree so the word “neurotoxin” means something very specific to me: it kills brain cells. So, I Googled it and found several research studies that support this conclusion. This article summarizes them the best.

It turns out a steady diet of refined sugar (like the standard American diet) does kill brain cells and prevent new ones from forming! It’s not instant, it takes time but it’s a predictable effect. I guess that’s why God has asked me to stop eating refined sugar at all. The only sugar that won’t hurt me is via whole fruits and vegetables.

I imagine everybody knows that too much sugar can be bad for them, but in a country where over 60% of us are overweight and obese, perhaps not enough of us actually do know. That’s why I wanted to share this perspective with you.

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