As a more senior military officer, I have to be mildly aware of what is going on in the world at all times. Too bad that mainstream media has gotten progressively worse about mixing facts with falsehoods. One fellow service member said it best when he said, “It’s just entertainment now, no more trustworthy than the tabloids, and we mostly watch because it’s such a train wreck.”
The Moment That Lost My Trust
Well, I don’t watch. In fact, I haven’t watched mainstream media or read mainstream news sites a once 2004, when I watched CNN reporters in Baghdad intentionally lie in order to attempt to capitalize on the perceived failure of the U.S. military to enable the first successful Iraqi Democratic Elections. They looked like fools when 75% of Iraqis showed up despite very real threat of death.
But I digress.
How I Have Managed Since
Instead, I have discovered the New Paper! It’s a daily email service that sends me desensationalized headlines from the most center-biased reporting available, and links to more information. It’s changed my life! Here’s what today’s top stories looked like.

I no longer have to get mad while reading the daily news because the reporters are so blatantly lying to me to manipulate my emotions and dictate my perspective. I had enough of that growing up in a dysfunctional house and in my dysfunctional relationships (pre-Holy Spirit healing, of course).
ICYDK: Media Bias is Real
Don’t believe me? Check out these media bias charts to understand how the information landscape can be mapped. (And remember that the biases of the media analysts are also a factor in the creation of these charts, so these are not necessarily the “gospel truth”.)

If You Want to Try It…
Here’s my shareable New Paper trial link so that both you and I can get a free month! (But honestly, I don’t need the free months so if you want to sign up on your own, do so! What I do need is people to stop being willing victims of manipulation when healthy protections are available.) I believe their service costs $9 per month after your trial. $9 is so worth protecting my peace every single day.
My favorite part may be the daily Brain Candy, a short clip that is incredibly interesting and almost unbelievable.

Tell me what you think if you have tried their service! Or if there’s another service you recommend, share it in the comments.