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Tag: battalion command

  • Greater Than

    Greater Than

    I recently came back from my “one weekend per month” training with my Army Reserve unit, and as usual, I was both encouraged by being with my Soldiers and discouraged by the stories they told me about their experiences in the Army. This is my vent. What the Army Says About nine months ago, I…

  • An Hour for Fifty Years

    An Hour for Fifty Years

    At the end of our call, he made sure to say, “Thanks a lot for reaching out to ask me why I’m leaving the Army. No one did that for me when I left Active Duty.” A Simple Exit Interview It was the end of an exit interview I conducted with a Soldier whose…

  • Never Thought It Would Happen

    Never Thought It Would Happen

    “…I have longed to be the kind of leader God has shaped me to be: a compassionate leader who can help the hurting and set the captives free.” It wasn’t until I was about five minutes into my own battalion change of command ceremony last week that I finally realized I might actually get…

  • Whom Shall I Obey?

    Whom Shall I Obey?

    Shhh… I’ve got a secret to tell you: I’m not your average bear. I’m idiosyncratic, I’ve got quirks, I’m an outlier in lots of areas that people tend to measure in society. This not-fitting-in-with-the-crowd especially comes out when I am Army-ing. How so? Let me explain. I’m going to take command of an Army Reserve…

  • The Questions of Command

    The Questions of Command

    Situation I’m taking command of an Army Reserve battalion this summer. I recently conducted my left-seat ride with the outgoing battalion commander (BC) by shadowing him at drill. The next time I see him in person, we will be passing the battalion flag, and he will ride off into the sunset with his family on…



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