Yesterday, my husband explained the origin story of NF, a rap artist who has vulnerably shared his struggle with #mentalhealth for the past eight years through world-building over a series of albums. I was blown away. Read more at
Lately, my husband has been blasting @DannyGokey’s songs everywhere we go. Seeing the fruit of soaking in these lyrics and melodies has led me to the conclusion that the God of Danny’s lyrics is the one I want to serve for the rest of my life. Read more at #hope
This morning, I went to the gym thinking that I would give it my all to love on my body, soul, and spirit. What I didn’t know was that God set me up for one of those life-altering, before-and-after experiences. Read more at
I have had a cold for almost a week now, and it’s been bugging me. “God, where is my supernatural immunity?” I have asked repeatedly. (This was something I experienced for several years, and I was missing its benefits after day three of not sleeping through the night due to stuffy sinuses.) After not getting…
This afternoon, my husband and I opened up the can-of-worms that is our #finances. We realized that we are both struggling with different heart wounds and spirits of fear right now that are playing off of each other. Read more at #entrepreneurship #marriage #christianity
This morning, I asked God why we were living in a 176 square feet camper when God promised us land and a house if we came to Colorado. I was surprised at God’s response. Read more at #marriage #motherhood #prayer
It’s wild to hear what comes out of my mouth sometimes, now that I have a #kid! And since I’m not sleeping through the night right now (see the phrase below about getting five hours), I figured I’d share with you five things I never said until #motherhood. I hope it makes you laugh! Read…
40 days of faith army baby battalion command Bible camper church CPTSD dreaming entrepreneurship faith fear finances freedom God healing healing communities healing prayer holistic healing Holy Spirit inner healing leadership marriage meditation military military mom miracles motherhood obedience parenting podcast podcasts prayer pregnancy promises prophecy PTSD resources RV self-care songs Tesla visions weight loss worship