“I’ve finally concluded that I’m a good mother… but I wonder whether I’ll ever become a great mother…” TenayBenes.com Today was that kind of day: the kind of day in which I had to tell myself, “It’s only a little bit of poo”; the kind of day in which I literally gave my daughter the…
If you’ve been following my blog at all, you may know that I have been reluctant to travel for work. My desire to stay home with my toddler comes from this core belief I developed in childhood that good mommies stay home with their kids. You may also know that God has been encouraging me…
For days, I’ve been wrestling with the fact that I may need to leave my two year old to go on a work trip. God has been telling me for months that my time to leave is coming, that I must prepare my heart. Three days ago, God told me he wouldn’t make me go;…
A video of the Lord’s Prayer that I translated for my baby using mostly real sign language; for 5+ months.
…as a reluctant working mom, I have kept this prayer deep in my heart and often on my lips: “First to my household, Lord, and then to the world.”
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