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Tag: fear

  • What is Fear? (S1:E1)

    What is Fear? (S1:E1)

    On the inaugural episode of my podcast, “Truly, Truly Tenay,” I talk about fear. Fear is possibly the most common experience that all people around the world share. But what is fear, really? Here’s a life-giving perspective on what the mechanism of fear might look like, how it can present itself in our lives, and…

  • 40 Days of Faith – Day 20 | Angry Touch

    40 Days of Faith – Day 20 | Angry Touch

    On Day 20 of our #40daysoffaith adventure moving from MD to CO on the word of God, my toddler finally had enough …and refused to cooperate with anything—ANYTHING—we tried to do. Read more at

  • 40 Days of Faith – Day 17 | Taking Courage

    40 Days of Faith – Day 17 | Taking Courage

    On Day 17 of our #40daysoffaith #adventure #moving from MD to CO on the word of #God, we made the turn from heading due west to northwest, and found ourself smack-dab in the middle of our first #RockyMountains #snowstorm! Despite feeling afraid to drive in the snow, I kept hearing God say, “You can do…

  • Love, Fear, and Truth

    Love, Fear, and Truth

    Did you know that fear can actually make you more stupid? While love can make you smarter? That’s right! Your motive actually affects your level of intelligence.  Here’s how it works: God has given different parts of the truth to different peoples and cultures around the world, even those who hold different worldviews, religions, and…

  • Growing With My Baby

    Growing With My Baby

    When my daughter was born two years ago, I expected I would start acting like the mother I was meant to be. I expected that, somehow, I would access the innate mothering abilities that had been hidden in my heart for forty years because she had finally arrived into my life and needed me. I…



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