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Tag: Bible

  • The Tree of Life

    The Tree of Life

    Early on in my Holy Spirit journey, God began interpreting the Book of Revelation to me. One of the first verses the Holy Spirit started re-teaching me was from the last chapter, about the Tree of Life. “Then the angel showed me a river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from…

  • 40 Days of Faith – Day 28 | A Solemn Vow

    40 Days of Faith – Day 28 | A Solemn Vow

    On Day 28 of our #40daysoffaith adventure moving from MD to CO on the word of #God, I made a vow to God—something I do not take lightly—to not complain about our housing situation (or anything else) for 30 days. Read more at #faith #bible

  • 8 Ways to Give God 100%

    8 Ways to Give God 100%

    If you go to a brick-and-mortar church, chances are, you have been taught that “God wants you to give 10% of your salary to the local church”. Many pastors call this “Biblical tithing”. Unfortunately, this version of tithing is not a complete interpretation of all the scriptures related to giving in the Bible. What’s more…

  • God Lies?

    God Lies?

    Did you know that God sometimes lies? I know that, if you are religious, grew up in church, or have read much of the Bible, the question above has probably set alarm bells ringing in your head, and rightly so, but hear me out.  Over the course of my life, I have been trained in…

  • How to Interpret Visions From God: A Practical Example

    How to Interpret Visions From God: A Practical Example

    I recently had an experience with a former coworker that left a bad taste in my mouth. I had enjoyed working with this person when she was a government civilian and believed her to be an “upstanding” Christian, albeit not a spiritual one. Although she knew almost nothing about the Holy Spirit, she did mention…



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