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Tag: baby

  • Five Original Toddler Transition Songs

    Five Original Toddler Transition Songs

    One of my most favorite parenting hacks that I learned from my friend, Serena (of Playful Poppies) is using songs to help my kid transition from one activity to another. Since I love singing and I enjoy writing easy-to-rhyme poetry, I thought I’d take a crack at making up some transition songs and/or lyrics of…

  • Parenting Coach Yoga Teacher

    Parenting Coach Yoga Teacher

    Meet my friend, Serena, who helped me start enjoying my baby and healing my body shortly after birth. She taught me how to connect and play with my daughter. She couldn’t have given me a more precious gift on this earth.

  • The Christmas Story to Music with Sign Language

    The Christmas Story to Music with Sign Language

    If you ask me, it doesn’t get better than this video, which combines baby sign language, the Christmas story straight out of the Bible, and original music. Your heart will thank you for watching it!

  • This is what being new parents can look like.

    This is what being new parents can look like.

    About a year ago, my husband and I brought home our baby from the hospital. I’d like to tell you that bringing our baby home was this amazingly warm and fuzzy, Hallmark-moment experience. I’d like to tell you that, being a planner, I was ready for the transition from a party-of-two to a party-of-three. I’d…

  • Electrical Devices Cause Cell Damage

    Electrical Devices Cause Cell Damage

    Just another day, shopping for baby monitors while trying not to cause my kid brain damage. Here’s a published medical hypothesis I ran across while perusing the National Institutes of Health PubMed library. I share this because of my own experience during pregnancy where God told me to never walk through airport scanners while pregnant.…

  • God Helps Our Infant to Sleep (Updated)

    God Helps Our Infant to Sleep (Updated)

    This is a God story. I’d like to share a praise: our baby is sleeping through the night in her own room. It has only taken 347 steps to get here. And we only discovered those after we tried 213 steps that didn’t work. One day, I became DESPERATE for sleep and I cried out…



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