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Tag: love

  • Loving the Unlovable

    Loving the Unlovable

    I’ve been meditating on an important question, lately: “How do you love someone who cannot recognize love?” This morning, when I asked my Father God this very question, he replied, “Exactly,” as in, “That’s my problem, too.” That made me sad for him, for he is all-love, all-the-time. “How do you love someone who cannot…

  • Freedom or Control?

    Freedom or Control?

    Sometimes I struggle with the theological understanding I see on “The Chosen“, but I love that this cast and crew are doing their best to honor Yeshua and going big or going home! I also greatly respect how the Director, Dallas Jenkins, promotes freedom on the set of “The Chosen”, by giving his workers–many of…

  • The Healing Power of Real Love (Updated)

    The Healing Power of Real Love (Updated)

    This is a God Story. I went to a different cubicle area to chat with a coworker. At the door, I heard someone I knew mention her severe back pain to a passerby as she limped back to her desk. I asked her what happened and she mentioned sciatica, but recently, things got worse. I…



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