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Tag: waiting

  • Benefits of Waiting

    Benefits of Waiting

    “It is in the waiting that you create the space you need to succeed.” Transitioning between seasons can be a tough experience. The tug-of-war between “almost there” and “not yet” can feel frustrating to even the most seasoned transitioner. Whether you’re a teenager anticipating your “launch” into young adulthood, but feeling overly constrained by…

  • Hope for the Holidays

    Hope for the Holidays

    I just saw Halloween costumes at CostCo and Thanksgiving pumpkin decor at Scheels. You know what that means? The holidays are right around the corner. I usually get excited for the holidays, but this year, the idea of the holidays coming made me sad. Soon But Not Yet I thought we would have a house…

  • 40 Days of Faith – Day 21 | Now We Wait

    40 Days of Faith – Day 21 | Now We Wait

    “Your move God.” On Day 21 of our #40daysoffaith adventure moving from MD to CO on the word of #God, we finished obeying every instruction we received from God about this move. Now, we #wait. Read more at



40 days of faith army baby battalion command Bible camper church CPTSD dreaming entrepreneurship faith fear finances freedom God healing healing communities healing prayer holistic healing Holy Spirit inner healing leadership marriage meditation military military mom miracles motherhood obedience parenting podcast podcasts prayer pregnancy promises prophecy PTSD resources RV self-care songs Tesla visions weight loss worship

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